Make Use of Available Resources
Utilize your agent when it comes to the hunt for pet-friendly housing. Our team understands the desire to find a good home for you and your animals. Our licensed realtors can help lead you to rentals with pet policies or homes with a dog park nearby. In addition, especially when searching for a rental property, utilizing resources and search tools to ensure pets are permitted is an important starting point.
Pet Policies
Recognize that it may be futile to try to sell yourself and your pet to a large rental community with a no-pets policy. You’re more likely to be successful if you focus on places that allow most pets. Some will allow certain pets (for example, cats or dogs weighing less than 20 pounds). Other properties will simply say, “Sorry, no pets.” Comparatively, individual home and condominium owners may be easiest to persuade. Ideally, look for a community with appropriate pet-keeping guidelines that specify resident obligations.
Responsible Owner
Gather proof to show you are a responsible pet owner. Let the landlord, manager, or board know that your dog is housetrained, well behaved and that you always clean up after them.
Be Willing to Pay Extra
Tell your prospective landlord or resident manager that you are willing to pay an extra security deposit to cover any damages your pet might make to the property. Some units will have an added monthly pet fees, while others, like Corken + Company, have a one-time pet deposit due at move-in.
We are a group that values “Real Estate Solutions Without Limits.” Let us help you find the perfect home for you and your pets.
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